T-Rex: Okay, so remember how in the past everyone thought we'd get flying cars?
T-Rex: And then later on everyone was like "where's my flying car"??
T-Rex: And then later on everyone was like "okay it's time for the third-wave 'flying car' discourse" and we got articles on why flying cars were actually extremely dangerous and required a greater level of safety, because if a car breaks down on the road it's an inconvenience but if it breaks down 10,000m above land it's a bit of a bigger problem??
T-Rex: And then later on we got NOSTALGIA for flying cars, as a hopelessly naive vision of the future?
T-Rex: And then later on we got RESPONSES to those, arguing that our visions of tomorrow no longer promise flight but simply better batteries for cell phones, and trying to figure out why and when our dreams became so small and petty?
Utahraptor: Your point?
T-Rex: My point? MY POINT? My POINT, Utahraptor, is -
T-Rex: ...
T-Rex: ...Wait I just realized planes can taxi on runways so technically they're already flying cars, nevermind, we're good here