T-Rex: You guys! I know this might sound weird, but hear me out! Maybe...
T-Rex: Maybe it's weird that there's crimes at all??
T-Rex: Like, it's weird that some of us steal from others just because we want to, right? Can't there exist a form of life that isn't so super crappy all the time?
Dromiceiomimus: What if you take something not knowing it's mine? That's accidental theft, but still a crime. Therefore, even perfectly ethical beings can commit crimes!
Utahraptor: Yeah, plus crimes are dependent on the laws surrounding them!
T-Rex: So?
Utahraptor: So if I pass a bad law that says "no eating chicken wings" and you say "uh, they're delicious, I'ma eat some anyway": you're now a criminal. Anyway, ALL THIS ASIDE: I don't think you realize what you're doing when you imagine a world without crime. My friend, all you're doing is imagining a world...
Off panel: ...without BATMAN.
T-Rex: Oh my god
T-Rex: I take it back I TAKE IT BACK