T-Rex: Today's teens don't wanna be LECTURED by ADULTS. They want to be approached on their own level, on their own terms! And I, for one, know EXACTLY what that means.
T-Rex: They wanna be RAPPED AT by GRANDMOTHERS.
Dromiceiomimus: T-Rex, are you sure about this? I don't think "seniors rapping about personal responsibility" has ever been that high up on the List of Things Teens Love.
T-Rex: No, that's the thing! Teens love IRONY, and an IRONIC rapping senior? Mwah.
T-Rex: 〚small〛 (I'd do a chef kiss gesture to illustrate that "mwah" but they're difficult for the short-armed gentleman)
Utahraptor: Yeah, but INTENTIONAL irony? Especially by adults? It'll never work!
T-Rex: Explain!
Utahraptor: Dude, the SECOND you turn 20 you stop being a teen and lose all access to their world. Heck, even me pretending to speak with authority about teens RIGHT NOW means they're DEFINITELY gonna egg my house tonight, or whatever it is teens do these days!!
Narrator: LATER:
Off panel: Instead of egging my house, teens wrote compelling thinkpieces about me that have somehow managed to change my opinion... ABOUT MY VERY SELF!!
T-Rex: Daaaaamn, teens! Put THAT on fleek, why don't you?
Off panel: T-Rex
Off panel: No