T-Rex: Like walking, but wish you could end up way sweatier and gross at the end?
T-Rex: Consider jogging, friends!
T-Rex: It's a sport based solely on the challenge of moving your BIG GIANT BODY AROUND. You may think "Yo, I played this game when it was called 'walking'", BUT, unlike walking, jogging can finish with you wheezing and panting, drenched in your own smelly juices and wondering why you took up jogging in the first place!
T-Rex: Yaaaaay!
Utahraptor: Don't you get "runner's high" at the end though?
T-Rex: RIGHT. I don't get "runner's high", I get "runner's feel a little less bad because at least you tried". You know! That same AMAZING HIGH you get when everyone else gets a gold medal and you get a "PARTICIPANT" ribbon?
T-Rex: And you had to print it out yourself??
T-Rex: And your printer's almost out of ink so there's weird lines on it??
Off panel: Alright, I get it! You hate jogging!
T-Rex: What?
T-Rex: Dude it's like my favourite sport, not a word of lie