T-Rex: If we didn't want the youth of today stealing our cars and driving them around, then why did we give that crime the alluring and cool name of "joyriding"??
T-Rex: Petty larceny has "petty" in the name: CLEARLY that's a crime for losers! But JOYRIDING sounds like a friggin' good time. It needs a more frightening name to scare off teens trying to consider what crime to do today. Might I suggest: "CAR CRIME 3000"??
Dromiceiomimus: That only makes it sound more alluring!
T-Rex: Car Crime... uh, 4000??
Utahraptor: Indecent Carsposure?
T-Rex: Distributing caps??
T-Rex: You know, if you're taking apart the cars and selling them. OR, if they only steal vans and then write their names on them: VANdalism??
Utahraptor: Hmm. These crimes STILL sound pretty cool though. Is this a problem other crimes have??
Narrator: SOON:
T-Rex: I have found out! Therefore, behold the Top Five Crimes Based on How Awesome Their Name Alone Sounds!
T-Rex: 1) Pyramid schemes
T-Rex: 2) Joyriding 3) Public mischief 4) Hooliganism
T-Rex: 5) Criminal vampirism