T-Rex: Not a problem!
T-Rex: I call this tale, "Sherlock Holmes and Aaron Who Smells".
T-Rex: "You smell really bad!" Sherlock correctly deduces at Aaron!
T-Rex: "Furthermore, I can deduce from your stupid shirt that you're a big jerk who sucks", Sherlock continues. Aaron was this guy who always insulted me, the author, in grade three. In real life, I mean! I spent a long time thinking of how I could get back at him, then one day I overheard someone else say "back to you" when THEY got insulted, and it seemed to be an unstoppable retort! I WAS FINALLY READY.
T-Rex: Sherlock Holmes agrees with me that digression is interesting!
Utahraptor: Did your plan work?
T-Rex: Briefly!
T-Rex: But then Aaron said "back to you with no returns", and I was trapped. He had delivered the insult back to me and I could not return it!! Anyway Sherlock Holmes heard about how this happened and decided to take the case and later he found out Aaron actually sucked out loud.
Off panel: ...Seriously, it's like you're inventing new genres all the time. What's this? Fanfic autobio?
T-Rex: Pfft. I invented that YEARS ago. THIS is Fanfic Autobio Detective Mystery With Batman Showing Up Later.
T-Rex: Oh! And Then He Lets Me Drive His Plane!!