T-Rex: With new understandings coming from the field of Science, we no longer have to give God all the credit for creating the Universe!
T-Rex: It's great!
T-Rex: In the past, we did not have a very good understanding of our world, and so attributing storms and such to God made sense.
T-Rex: But NOW, we understand things! We don't need a God to make hurricanes and babies for us. We can make them in a lab!
T-Rex: In effect, WE (and by 'we' I mean 'dinosaurs') have become the all-powerful Gods of old!
Utahraptor: I'm afraid your reasoning is flawed, T-Rex! Fatally flawed!
T-Rex: I don't see how!
Utahraptor: Well, say when you're a kid your father builds the house you live in. You'd give him the credit, right? And say that you're older and NOW, you understand how to build a house. Can you then conclude that your father didn't build your childhood home?
Utahraptor: The answer is "no", T-Rex!
T-Rex: Well I still have plenty more proof that God doesn't exist! Remember all those emails I sent Him back in December?
T-Rex: They BOUNCED!