T-Rex: Why READ someone else's old recipe when you could be WRITING your own new one??
T-Rex: Let's answer that question with terrible, hard-earned experience!
T-Rex: So first we should decide what kind of a food we want to eat, basing it on previous foods we've enjoyed. For example, I like to eat ice cream and meat.
Dromiceiomimus: Maybe some meat-themed frozen confection?
T-Rex: That sounds like meat-themed frozen perfection!
Dromiceiomimus: Okay, good
T-Rex: First, get five pounds of ground beef!
Utahraptor: Then get five pounds of ice cream!
T-Rex: Fold the raw meat into the ice cream, and brown in a giant frying pan. The ice cream will melt, sugars will burn, and grease will float on top of it all. Will this taste good? WHO KNOWS??
Utahraptor: All I know is that you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs!
T-Rex: That reminds me, throw some eggs into this! Then add salt to taste, and add more eggs to taste too. Serve in a bathtub and garnish with fifty dollar bills!
T-Rex: Serves one (1) person who you are fine if they don't ever come over anymore!