T-Rex: The strangers I pass on the street could actually be tourists from the future, trained to fit in perfectly! There's no way for me to know!
T-Rex: Because if you're doing time tourism, you're going to do it right!
T-Rex: Every trip would start with identities being inserted into official records: a twenty-year-old travelling to 1950 means going back to 1930 to insert birth records, and trips after that to establish education, work history, etc. It's tons of prep for one trip!
Dromiceiomimus: What about the time travellers breaking character?
T-Rex: Hah! PLEASE. They've been trained since birth!
T-Rex: Every candidate time traveller consents to their personal history being modified!
Utahraptor: Really?
T-Rex: Of course! Childhood is replaced with training for your time trip, and only those that pass get to go! The failed candidates get their original timeline restored, no harm no foul. And if you DO mess up in the past, overseers roll back your entire trip!
Utahraptor: I see. So time travel is foolproof?
T-Rex: Yep! The only reason we've never caught tourists from the future is that any we could catch never become time travellers in the first place!
T-Rex: I suspect my mailman may have knowledge beyond his years if you know what I'm saying