T-Rex: I've written the best book ever for reals this time, and I know this for certain because it's got a title NOBODY can resist.
Book cover: 〚uses a Back To The Future font effect and other effects〛 HOW TO BUILD A TIME MACHING even if you're a TEEN
T-Rex: It's not actually about building a time machine though, even if you're teens. It's a collection of original short fiction where all the stories have this same dog that keeps showing up in the background! That title tested better with the teens is all.
Dromiceiomimus: So what were you going to call it originally?
Book cover: let me be the first to say 〚larger red font〛 sheeeeeeeesh 〚end larger red font〛 what is that dog's DEAL
Book cover: a super excellent purchase!
Utahraptor: Aw, I like how you were gonna to put me on the cover!
T-Rex: Yeah, I figured, maybe pals are in this season? But if both those covers fail I've got Fallback Plan Omega, which involves 100% GUARANTEED sales.
Book cover: 〚large bold font, partially obscuring T-Rex's picture〛 What If Everybody Else Was Faking Happiness Too? It Would Be Impossible To Tell.
Book cover: 〚smaller bold italics〛 Wait, no, that's super depressing. Listen, does ANYONE know how to delete words on a computer where the backspace key is FRIGGIN' BROKEN??