T-Rex: I am going to tell you a story, and it stars an old man whose name I don't know. He went into a diner, ordered some fries with gravy from the only person working there, paid for them, and sat down! Soon she brought the fries and gravy to his table!
T-Rex: This story gets better soon, I promise!
T-Rex: So the fries are there, drenched in gravy, and this guy has to be at least 85 years old. He looks around his table and it hasn't been set properly, so there's no utensils, no napkins. He starts eating with his hands and despite his best efforts, the gravy's getting everywhere. His hands are soaked in it. It's running down his wrists, and that's got to feel gross.
Utahraptor: Then what happens?
T-Rex: Well, he finishes his meal!
T-Rex: And he walks up to the cashier and shows her his hands, saying things like "look at me" and "this was a horrible thing to do". She says "Oh my God, if I'd known I'd have brought you a fork" and he says "it's too late now" and leaves the restaurant.
Utahraptor: And then?
T-Rex: That's the end of the story, Utahraptor!
T-Rex: I call this story, "Good Lord, I Hope I Never Get Old".
T-Rex: :(