T-Rex: I am a dude who adapts himself to the people around him. If I'm with party dudes, I am more likely to want to party!
T-Rex: There's no shame in this, on account of how PARTYING IS AWESOME??
T-Rex: And when a party dude hangs out with his library friends, he quiets down and finds a book to read. So obviously the friends we choose influence what we do and who we become! And so OBVIOUSLY I want friends that are awesome, so that I can get, or at least emulate, some of their awesome qualities. I want friends who can improve who I am, as a person - and I believe I've pulled this off!
Utahraptor: Really? You think your friends are better than you?
T-Rex: Yes. Who doesn't?
T-Rex: Why would I want to hang out with chumps that are worse than me? That sounds terrible.
Utahraptor: But we're hanging out with you.
T-Rex: Sure! But you probably find something in me that's worthwhile!
T-Rex: Either that or you haven't realized that I'm just leeching all the awesomeness I can until you're nothing but a desiccated corpse, with all the awesomeness subsumed into ME.
T-Rex: Utahraptor!
T-Rex: Forget I said that!!