T-Rex: Let's assume the quantum mechanics many-worlds hypothesis is true, and for every decision I make, there's parallel universes where I'm making the decision differently, with every possible outcome being realized!
T-Rex: That's a lot of T-Rexes kicking around, cats and kittens!
T-Rex: But clearly, SOME of these decisions are going to be bad ones. If I'm making every possible choice, then I'm going to make mistakes so bad that they kill me.
Dromiceiomimus: I'd say that's fair!
T-Rex: Sure! But for every one of these choices-so-bad-they're-fatal, there's another universe in which it goes differently and I live.
Utahraptor: That's what many-worlds is all about!
T-Rex: But don't you see?
T-Rex: Try to kill me, and a parallel me survives! I have achieved QUANTUM IMMORTALITY, with at least one version of my consciousness surviving indefinitely. And there's a non-zero chance that I'M the immortal me!
Utahraptor: By that same reasoning, I'm just as immortal.
T-Rex: It's great, isn't it?!
T-Rex: Shoot me and I'll catch the bullets with my teeth, beat you up, spit the bullets on you and say "Next time, shoot when I'm yawning". And if I don't do it in our universe, it's only because I'm busy doing it somewhere else!
T-Rex: Honestly, how is low self-esteem even a thing??