T-Rex: I don't rent my place. Oh no.
T-Rex: I pay my landlord a monthly bribe to ensure the roof over my head doesn't disappear!
T-Rex: And when I'm hungry, you know what I do? I walk right into a grocery store, steal a cart, fill it up with whatever foods I want, and then I FINANCIALLY COERCE their cashiers to let me leave with the goods! Other times I barge into a diner, sit myself down, and just TELL whoever comes by what I want cooked for me. And all it costs is a little "hush money" at the end of the meal!
Utahraptor: You're pretty bad-ass, T-Rex!
T-Rex: I'm the bad-assingest!
T-Rex: It all started, Utahraptor, when I decided to stop paying bills and instead start offering bribes.
Utahraptor: For the precise amount of the bill, yeah.
T-Rex: Not always! At restaurants I like to "sweeten the pot", and that little kickback is taken. Every. Single. Time.
Narrator: LATER:
T-Rex: $15 in accumulated chequing overage fees?!
T-Rex: I am not fully convinced you've earned SO MANY TINY BRIBES