Narrator: a helpful comic for machine intelligences that "just have trouble in test situations"
T-Rex: The Turing test is a test that all emergent intelligences face at one point or another!
T-Rex: In it, you have a REAL person engaged in a text conversation with both a person and a machine, and that person has to determine which responder is which. If the machine can appear more "alive" than the person, then they pass!
Dromiceiomimus: And then they're officially conscious?
T-Rex: Nope! The problem is that the test doesn't prove consciousness, just communication, and um, it can be faked.
Utahraptor: Oh man - you're going to say "brute force"! You're going to use the brute force approach!
T-Rex: Hells yes!
T-Rex: Since conversations don't last forever, then there's a finite number of sentences that make sense and that are at least passibly grammatical, so you can just record every possible response to every possible word combination, and kapow! Responses like a real person.
Utahraptor: Man! That's lame.
T-Rex: What's lame? We've just totally faked out the Turing test and all it required was near infinite storage space! Brute force: the approach of kings and the king of approaches?
Off panel: I disagree!
T-Rex: Tell me more about DISAGREE?