T-Rex: Man! Time for me to grow some friggin' FACIAL HAIR.
T-Rex: 〚imagines himself sporting handlebar mustache〛
T-Rex: YES.
T-Rex: This is one situation where men have the clear gender advantage!
Utahraptor: Facial hair?
T-Rex: Yep! Sure, women get to feel the miracle of life growing inside them and the joy of birth or of laying eggs or WHATEVER, but we get to engineer hairy faces AT OUR LEISURE.
Utahraptor: I don't get why you're casting this in terms of a gender battle, but yeah- I'm with beards over babies too!
T-Rex: The way you say it - is there actually an organization called Beards over Babies?
Off panel: Not to my knowledge!
T-Rex: Dude, we have to start it!!
T-Rex: Our logo can be a big ol' beard hovering over a truly startled baby!