T-Rex: I would never want to get pregnant. Having to worry about what I eat because there's a baby GROWING inside me? No thanks!
Dromiceiomimus: There's nothing bad about that, T-Rex! It's a special experience and you could probably stand to eat better anyway!
T-Rex: The cravings would be a good excuse for eating all the damn bread, but still! Too much RESPONSIBILITY. I'm dangerously carefree!
Utahraptor: Why are we talking about this?
T-Rex: No reason, just - sharing!
Utahraptor: Well as none of us can get pregnant because, oh hey, we're not female mammals, it's not something I'd expect you to worry about! "I'd never want to be a dividing cell, because there'd be two of me and we'd be tiny." -T-Rex.
T-Rex: I don't recall saying that!!
Narrator: LATER:
T-Rex: "I have smelly pants." -Utahraptor.
Off panel: "I love the taste of chocochops!" -T-Rex?
T-Rex: Man! They are moulded chocolate pork chops with a real pork chop bone. Am I now to apologize for BRILLIANCE?