T-Rex: Here is a list of things that were once totally cool and remain so:
T-Rex: Flappers!
T-Rex: And this is where my list derails so that I can talk about flappers. Oh goodness, flappers! These were the 1920s equivalent of hipsters, only they looked like boys and had way better slang. The way they talked was the BERRIES. That means something was great!
Dromiceiomimus: I got that, yeah!
Utahraptor: Could it be you have a CRUSH on flappers, my friend?
T-Rex: It could well be, Utahraptor!
Utahraptor: And it doesn't concern you that you have a crush on an extinct social group just because of their sweet slang?
T-Rex: Nope! It gives me hope, because one day I could meet someone who actually talked like a flapper, and then we could get married!
T-Rex: Man, what was I talking about? It was a terrible idea to marry someone just because of her cool slang!
T-Rex: I really need to think long and hard about my life decisions.