T-Rex: You know what makes me irrationally angry? It's people who say the moon landing was faked!
T-Rex: ARGH! I am getting angry just thinking about it!
Dromiceiomimus: It's not like you to respond so emotionally to something like this, T-Rex! Why don't you just respond to their points and disprove their claims?
T-Rex: Because it feels useless! Because most of these people just want to take one of the most transcendental achievements of our time and belittle it any way they can. They're not interested in facts!
Utahraptor: Whoah, so instead of attacking the position, we attack the person?
T-Rex: No! Well, yes!
T-Rex: I don't know! It's just that we're in a special place in history now, where it still matters that we've been to the moon. Once moon travel becomes routine people won't care so much, but right now, the landings are unique. They're still special.
Utahraptor: How's that? You've been to the moon like two times yourself!
T-Rex: Man, I don't count! I was talking about OFFICIAL visits to the moon. Mine were in a strictly UNofficial capacity.
T-Rex: You have my assurances!