T-Rex: Time to fix all my relationship issues with my girlfriend, Kayleigh, by going back in time...
T-Rex: ...using the power of my MIND!
Narrator: SHORTLY:
Off panel: Everything's fine, CEPT YOU GOT NO LEGS!
T-Rex: Shit!
Narrator: SOON:
Dromiceiomimus: Everything's fine, except now Kayleigh's father has become a crazy pedophile!
T-Rex: Huh?
T-Rex: Oh well! I can fix THAT!
Narrator: SOON:
Utahraptor: Everything's fine, except now Kayleigh dropped out of school to become a prostitute!
T-Rex: Sheesh!
Narrator: SOON:
Utahraptor: Okay, everything's fine, except you accidently killed Kayleigh's little brother Tommy! Whoops!
T-Rex: Darn it!
T-Rex: THIS time...
Narrator: SOON:
Off panel: Everything's fine, except now you totally never meet Kayleigh!
T-Rex: That's okay!