T-Rex: The night sky is filled with stars! It's basically the night sky's #1 most visible feature.
T-Rex: Or IS it??
T-Rex: Because depending on where you are, there might be SO MUCH light pollution that you can't see the stars at all!
Dromiceiomimus: From all the electrical lights we dinosaurs have constructed and run each and every night.
T-Rex: Precisely!!
Utahraptor: And even if you're far away from a city, there's still likely SOME light pollution!
T-Rex: Oh dang, really?
Utahraptor: Yep! To TRULY see spectacular stars, you've got to travel back in time before we invented electric lights.
T-Rex: Of course! Way back before the dinosaur industrial revolution!!
T-Rex: Or, as we called it at the time and also still do, "the normal industrial revolution"!!