T-Rex: I wrote some fan fiction last night!
T-Rex: I know!
Dromiceiomimus: But T-Rex, most fan fiction has characters from TV and movies acting implausibly in implausible situations, and also kissing each other! Does - does yours?
T-Rex: Perhaps! There are many twists and turns and revelations in my exciting non-canon tale, Dromiceiomimus!
Utahraptor: So what show is it about?
T-Rex: No show!
T-Rex: It’s actually - surprise! - UTAHRAPTOR and DROMICEIOMIMUS fan fiction!
Utahraptor: You didn't.
T-Rex: Indeed I did, good sir! And may I just say, “smoochie smoochie”? Hah hah!
T-Rex: (You kiss in my story!)