T-Rex: Surely, SURELY, in this the year of our lord RIGHT NOW, we can invent a machine that uses lasers to kill houseflies.
T-Rex: Surely we have the technology to do this!
T-Rex: If we can send robots to Mars then SURELY we can have a camera to target the flies and a high-powered laser to fry them mid-flight. Then, hey presto, no more flies in your house!!
Dromiceiomimus: And a bunch of dead flies on the floor and the repulsive smell of cooked fly in the air.
Utahraptor: Plus there'd be some light that'd travel THROUGH the fly, cooking whatever was on the other side.
T-Rex: Huh.
Utahraptor: And any laser that can burn through flies in - what, a second? - could also burn through YOUR flesh in the same amount of time, so what you're really describing is a nightmare robot that fires at anything that moves, cooking and/or blinding them before they can react.
T-Rex: ...Okay, so maybe it's like fumigation, where you leave your house for a bit and come back to a bunch of dead flies?
Off panel: And scorch marks on your walls and possibly the whole place burned down.
T-Rex: Yes!
T-Rex: But, and this is critical: NO FLIES