T-Rex: Down with money!
T-Rex: We don't need it!
T-Rex: We can just return to our utopia of old, before money turned us all in to greedy, money-obsessed quasi-people! Right, Dromiceiomimus? Right!
T-Rex: Money is an aberration that lessens us all! We don’t need it!
Utahraptor: But without money, people would still trade!
T-Rex: And...?
Utahraptor: AND, currency is just an abstraction of trade: a unit of exchange! One unit of currency equals three goats, for example. Some form of money develops naturally from trade and is thus, I think, pretty much inevitable!
T-Rex: I guess you could say your remarks are... RIGHT ON THE MONEY?
T-Rex: Ho ho! Five stars!
T-Rex: Also, I value our friendship.