T-Rex: Robyn found herself in the worst possible situation: she was locked in an old house...
T-Rex: ...and there was a ZOMBIE outside!!
T-Rex: Yes, thanks to comets or magic or whatever, a dead person had risen from the grave! And he wanted to eat her flesh!
Dromiceiomimus: So she put him on a treadmill and stood in front so he'd generate power?
T-Rex: That is ABSOLUTELY what she did!! Robyn's so great.
Utahraptor: Of course, the zombie apocalypse would keep getting worse OUTSIDE the house.
T-Rex: Indeed!!
T-Rex: But that meant either more zombies for more treadmills and therefore NIGH-INFINITE power, or that the zombies would eventually get exhausted and used up and die for real, which therefore meant a solution to the zombie apocalypse.
T-Rex: In conclusion, nothing is scary when you've got science!
Off panel: And a lot of treadmills in the basement?
T-Rex: Yeah, and also probably some large cages or whatnot, super normal basement stuff!!