T-Rex: Chess has a bunch of pieces: pawns, bishops, horsies, etc. But only one of them is the best one!
T-Rex: I speak of course of the queen!
T-Rex: She can move as far as she wants in ANY straight line! She is UNSTOPPABLE and as a fan of the best pieces in the game, I am forever on Team Queen.
Dromiceiomimus: You know she used to be a worse piece called the "ferz" that could only move one square diagonally, right? And then peeps SOUPED HER UP?
T-Rex: Wait, what?
T-Rex: You can just SOUP UP chess pieces?
Utahraptor: Sure you can! Rules are fake, smash the state!!
Utahraptor: You can invent any pieces you want and they're called "fairy pieces". My favourite is the AMAZON, which has all the powers of a queen AND a horsie. Her piece is a horsie in a crown.
T-Rex: Damn!!
T-Rex: I hereby pledge allegiance to the amazons!!
Off panel: You don't need to pledge anything: they're just chess pieces.
T-Rex: I still hereby forever pledge allegiance to the amazons??