T-Rex: Angola Maldives, who was my amazing superspy character, was on his toughest case yet: someone had stolen the nuclear launch codes and thus had full control over the United States Nuclear Arsenal!!
Dromiceiomimus: Wait, is that really how it works? Like there's one password and if you have it you can launch nukes wherever and whenever you want?
T-Rex: Um - I think so? Most of my research has been watching other movies, and I gotta say: lots of 'em have a real big ol' thing for "launch codes".
Utahraptor: They're only used to identify the President, man!
T-Rex: Wait, what?
Utahraptor: Yeah, and they're generated daily, so stealing them really wouldn't be a HUGE deal unless the culprit could act quickly AND have the nuclear football briefcase AND fake a call from the President to what would be a very skeptical recipient. They're not the be-all and end all of launching nukes.
T-Rex: Okay. Well, um, I guess Angola realized this was one crisis he could solve simply by napping for 24 hours!
Off panel: It's still bad that they got stolen though.
T-Rex: Look, part of what makes Angola SO GREAT is that he knows the limits of his core competencies