T-Rex: The Joker laughed (which, no surprises there) because he had finally pulled off his greatest gag yet: poisoning the town's water supply with Joker toxin!
T-Rex: Good thing Batman had long ago supplied Gotham with a backup Waynetech water supply system!!
T-Rex: Stymied, a few weeks later the Joker tried to contaminate Gotham's grain supply, but again, Batman had foreseen this possibility and invested in parallel Waynetech agricultural network. The Joker produced toxic laughing fish, and Batman already had Waynetech farming from backup aquaculture ponds. Everything in Gotham city had parallel secure Waynetech infrastructure, and it was at last safe from the Joker's madness.
Utahraptor: Couldn't he blow up buildings?
T-Rex: Oh sure, he tried that.
T-Rex: But the companies would just move to a secure replacement Waynetech building, ready to receive their secure replacement Waynetech employees. Soon, nobody WANTED to live in crime-infested Gotham, and they entered this corporate owned crime free gated utopia, all controlled by one obscenely rich white man.
T-Rex: ...
T-Rex: Something went wrong in my Batman story??