T-Rex: If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you deny our friend request shall we not be all passive-aggressive about that?
T-Rex: Like if you agree!!
T-Rex: All the world's a social network, and all the men and women merely potential friends.
Dromiceiomimus: So true, Facebook Shakespeare!
T-Rex: They have their signup dates and friend lists; and one man in his time joins many networks, though of course Facebook is the best.
Dromiceiomimus: I'm beginning to doubt your impartiality, Facebook Shakespeare!
T-Rex: To thine own profile be true, Utahraptor!
Utahraptor: Can do, Facebook Shakespeare!
T-Rex: 'Tis better to have been friended and unfriended, than never to have been friended at all!
Utahraptor: Wait a second, WAIT A SECOND. That's not Shakespeare, that's Tennyson!! Facebook Shakespeare, are you actually a GIANT FRAUD??
T-Rex: *gasp*
T-Rex: Facebook Shakespeare is embarrassed and has deleted his profile!!
Off panel: Okay!
T-Rex: Facebook Shakespeare is back as "LOL!! Mega Geeky Facebook Status Updates Your Followers Will Be SURE To Share!"
Off panel: Oh god