T-Rex: Today I am not going to make any decision, except for this decision, just now, not to make any decisions!
T-Rex: This is great! I can't be held responsible for my actions!
Narrator: SOON:
T-Rex: Dromiceiomimus, should I stomp this house FAST, or should I stomp this house SLOW?
Dromiceiomimus: You should stomp that house not at all!
T-Rex: I'm sorry but please limit your answers to the suggestions provided!
Utahraptor: I'm disappointed, T-Rex! You're not living up to the possibilities of your decision!
T-Rex: Oh?
Utahraptor: Yeah, you could completely subsume your personality and only do what people tell you to do, thereby becoming the ultimate personification of society, and, likely, a very poignant example! Instead you're framing your questions so you do what you want to anyway.
T-Rex: Oh man, I should totally become the ultimate personification of society! Everything I did would be instantly symbolic!
T-Rex: Imagine the symbology if I committed suicide?