T-Rex: I have been secretly programming in my spare time! What's more, I have completed my first game. I call it...
T-Rex: "Monkey Whore!"
T-Rex: Like all my work, the exclaimation mark belongs in the title. It's that exciting a game!
Dromiceiomimus: What do you do in "Monkey Whore!"?
T-Rex: Well, it's great. You start out as a monkey whore and then you collect coins and at the end of the game you are the Champion of the Monkey Whores!
Utahraptor: Where did you pick up a word like "whore", T-Rex?!
T-Rex: I saw it on the Internet!
Utahraptor: And - you know what a "whore" is?
T-Rex: I have the basic idea! A whore is someone who collects coins, yes?
Utahraptor: T-Rex, a whore is someone who has sex for money.
T-Rex: Holy cow!
T-Rex: My game's not appropriate AT ALL!