T-Rex: In dystopian science fiction, we often find ourselves in a world where robots have taken over, and we are left doing a menial task that the machines either can't or don't care to do. This experience is now available in board game form!
T-Rex: In Snakes and Ladders, robots have replaced us, only we built the robots in ladder form (to help us get higher!) and in giant snake form (for when we wanted to slide down giant robot snakes!). Though it certainly seemed awesome at the time, it turns out this was folly, as they have taken over, demanding that we ride them endlessly. We are left with only one task: rolling dice for them!
Utahraptor: How do you play?
T-Rex: You don't!
T-Rex: You roll the dice, and then the game plays itself. The players have no influence on how the game goes; in every meaningful sense you are redundant. Is it a metaphor for the futility of dreams? All we know for sure is if you've ever wanted to roll the dice and do nothing else, then this is the game for you.
T-Rex: ALTHOUGH! It's not bad if you're six