T-Rex: I just realized that if I transformed what people say to me into something I want to hear, I will only hear things that appeal to me!
T-Rex: Genius!
T-Rex: I should have thought of this years ago!
Narrator: THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN WHAT IS TRANSMITTED AND WHAT IS RECEIVED an allegorical comic and comic allegory
T-Rex: Hello, Dromiceiomimus!
Dromiceiomimus: Hello, T-Rex.
T-Rex: Why yes, I am super-sexy today!
Utahraptor: T-Rex, stop it! You can't just go around putting words in people's mouths!
T-Rex: Says you!
Utahraptor: Where there is lexical or syntactic ambiguity, you could argue that you are free to choose a preferred meaning - granted - but you cannot arbitrarily transform someone’s words into what you want! That process undermines the very foundation of language, as words are robbed of any fixed meaning, rendering communication arbitrary and pointless!
T-Rex: That will be my epitaph, then!
T-Rex: "Here lies T-Rex, who undermined the very foundation of language"!
T-Rex: Awesome!