T-Rex: Okay, I hate to be the one to say it, but I must be pretty great because I just had ANOTHER brilliant idea about time travel! Suppose it's possible to send a message BACK IN TIME.
T-Rex: And suppose causality still holds, so that events in the past determine the future!
T-Rex: So when I send a message to Past T-Rex, he'll act on it - and that'll change the universe that I, Present T-Rex, live in! So presumably now I'd send a different message back in time, which will again change how past T-Rex acts. We've got an unstable loop of constantly changing timelines, but it SHOULD proceed towards an equilibrium!
Utahraptor: And the simplest equilibrium is that no message is sent at all?
T-Rex: Exactly!
T-Rex: I send a message that makes Past Me decide not to send a message back in time. When he reaches the present, no message is sent, and the universe reverts to how it was originally! Time travel might ERASE ITSELF every time it happens!
Utahraptor: Wow! That's amazing! Too bad Larry Niven came up with it already.
T-Rex: Larry Niven already invented T-Rex's Law? That's crazy!
T-Rex: ...Why do you think he named it after me?