T-Rex: Well, the wedding went off without a hitch!
T-Rex: Ha ha, not counting the slang meaning of 'hitch' of course!
T-Rex: What did you think of the wedding, Dromiceiomimus?
Dromiceiomimus: I promised myself I wouldn't cry, but I cried! It was a beautiful wedding. Are you going to see the brides?
T-Rex: I'm on my way there now!
T-Rex: I will congratulate them on finding happiness!
Utahraptor: What are you talking about?
Utahraptor: The brides are gone, T-Rex! Remember when they ran down the church stairs while we showered confetti on them? They've left for their honeymoon!
T-Rex: Oh yeah! But there's still cake for us, right?
Utahraptor: Right!
T-Rex: I love lesbian weddings!