T-Rex: Computational linguistics is the study of computer-based language processing!
T-Rex: A major area of computational lingistics is that of "ambiguity resolution". It turns out that many things people say in a language - English, for example - can have more than one meaning!
T-Rex: Consider the phrase "fruit flies like a banana". Is it describing the taste of fruit flies, or rather flying fruit? How can a computer hope to figure this out?
T-Rex: Many have focused on statistical modelling of language, but this approach is approximate.
Utahraptor: I agree!
T-Rex: What do YOU know about computational linguistics?
Utahraptor: Ever read a little paper called "Non-Statistical Models for Unsupervised Prepositional Phrase Attachment?"
Utahraptor: That was me!
Utahraptor: 〚small〛 It was some of my earliest work on head word tuples!
T-Rex: Shit man, you know more about this than I do!
T-Rex: You know what? You should be the one doing the talking here!