T-Rex: Say a friggin' word enough, and it loses all friggin' meaning!
T-Rex: "Frig" is a bad example though because that word is great. But we've all spent an afternoon saying something like "waterpark" over and over until there's nothing there, just sounds, just the empty shell of a word, waterpark, the oral equivalent of a forgotten childhood toy found in adulthood, now strange and alien and no longer coloured by desire, by anything, waterpark. Did the word ever really have any meaning?
Utahraptor: I think it's happening to me! Waterpark, waterpark, waterpark.
T-Rex: Waterpark, Utahraptor!
Utahraptor: It's due to a repeated firing of the same cortex area which causes a reduction in the waterpark intensity, right? Waterpark.
T-Rex: It's too late to ask how or why. We're done for, Utahraptor. This is where our waterpark story ends.
Narrator: LATER:
T-Rex: Utahraptor, I overdosed on semantic satiation! The word "waterpark" has been sandblasted right out of my mind!
Off panel: How'd you use it just now?
T-Rex: That was the last instance I had!
T-Rex: ...What word?