T-Rex: As of today, I am officially living in the future!
T-Rex: That's because as of TODAY, I am the proud owner of a robot!
T-Rex: His name is Breadmatic 5000 and he's great. His speciality? Baking friggin' bread!
Dromiceiomimus: That's not a robot, T-Rex! That's a standard bread machine.
T-Rex: He's a robot! He's a robot and he sits on the kitchen counter and when I press the "Breadmatic, I would like some bread tonight" button and then put the ingredients inside him, he turns them into bread. You know how he does it? Through ROBOTICS.
Utahraptor: He's not even anthropomorphic!
T-Rex: Robots don't have to be!!
T-Rex: Breadmatic is a box because that is ROBOTICALLY DETERMINED to be the optimal shape for bread production, okay?
Utahraptor: You bought him at the grocery store.
T-Rex: You live in a bland world of consumer electronics, Utahraptor. I live in a world of robot pals who bake me food!
T-Rex: Breadmatic, I'm worried! The fact that you're a robot is already coming between me and my non-robot friends!
T-Rex: Sometimes, Breadmatic, in my most private moments...
T-Rex: 〚small〛 ...sometimes I worry that won't be enough.