T-Rex: Okay, time to invent a new superhero! Then I'll make a movie about him, and THEN, I'll be famous! Then I'll also have a lot of disposable income?
Narrator: LATER:
T-Rex: Inventing superheroes: too friggin' hard!
T-Rex: Every good superhero power is taken. He's invulnerable - oh, there's Superman. Okay, he CAN be hurt, but he recovers: oh, hey Wolverine! Okay, he CAN be hurt, and then, he dies. Oh, Batman's at this party too? Hey Batman.
Dromiceiomimus: Maybe you should focus more on themes instead of powers, T-Rex!
T-Rex: I tried that, but every theme is taken too!
Utahraptor: Impossible!
T-Rex: Speed theme: check. Spider theme: check! Iron Man theme: TOTALLY CHECKED. There's nothing left!
Utahraptor: I think theme is more "what your story says" than "what your character is able to do". See the difference?
T-Rex: I do but listen I really think powers are more interesting
T-Rex: He's a Transformer, but he's also biologically human! So he has to deal with THEMES associated with either being a man, or being a soft, warm, fleshy and hairy semi truck filled with blood intestines and lungs.