T-Rex: Synesthesia is an amazing neurological condition in which one sensory pathway involuntarily stimulates another. The result is sensory overlap: tones with distinct tastes, letters of the alphabet with their own shades of colour!
T-Rex: People with synesthesia BASICALLY have super powers.
T-Rex: There's all sorts of synesthesia: some people taste words and syllables when they say them - sometimes even if they just think them! Others have distinct personalities associated with numbers or letters, so that the letter "M" might be polite while "7" gets all up in everyone's fries. They still sense normally, it's just they've got this extra layer of perception on top of what the rest of us get. I admit to being jealous!
Utahraptor: I actually know a woman who has synesthesia, T-Rex!
T-Rex: Oh wow! Really?
T-Rex: I’d love to meet her. I know she might not be as into her condition as I am and that I'm probably glorifying it or at least fetishizing it some, but I’d still love to talk to her about it!
Utahraptor: You are, but it's okay, she’s into it too! She loves it, actually. I’ll give you her number!
Narrator: SOON:
Off panel: So yeah, notes that are higher tend to be brighter colours for me!
T-Rex: I see what you're saying there!
T-Rex: Pretty clever, right? My friends say I'm "pretty clever".
T-Rex: We should date!