T-Rex: Today is an excellent day I think for walking around like I own the place!
T-Rex: Woo! Looks like my day just got filled up!
T-Rex: Dromiceiomimus, would you say that I'm an excellent dude for walking around like I own the place?
Dromiceiomimus: Actually, my friend, I would disagree! I think there are more productive uses of your time.
T-Rex: I'll let history be the judge of that!
Utahraptor: That's a pretty suspect saying, don't you think?
Utahraptor: Seriously! It's predicated on history always being a story of progression, with the future assumed to be a better judge of what's right than the present. I'm not sure that's valid! Plus, I'm certain there's things that have been variously judged to be good and bad at different points in history!
T-Rex: Okay, so what if I said "I think I'll let an assumed future history which agrees with my current position be the judge of THAT!"?
Off panel: Then I'd cancel our bowling plans on Saturday!
T-Rex: Noooo!