T-Rex: The identity theory is that all states of the mind are identical to all states of the brain!
T-Rex: This means that for every perception, every emotion, even for every thought that I have, there is a corresponding state in my brain to match!
T-Rex: My sense of self itself is nothing more than the physical state of the chemicals and neurons in my stately skull!
Utahraptor: Your theory has appeal, T-Rex!
T-Rex: It does?
Utahraptor: Sure! It seems rational, plus it gives us hope that we could design a computer with a consciousness and - dare I dream? - a soul!
T-Rex: But it's not that simple!
Utahraptor: Sure it is! If you're hung up about consciousness, consider it to be emergent behaviour!
T-Rex: Dude, I don't even know what that is!!