T-Rex: We think time travel might not be possible - RIGHT NOW, ANYWAY - because we don't see any tourists from the future!
T-Rex: But man, what makes us so interesting?
T-Rex: I propose that it's more reasonable to find events from HISTORY that are objectively interesting, and look for time travellers there!
Dromiceiomimus: Only we can't visit these events without being time travellers ourselves.
T-Rex: But we can do the next best thing: look for historical events that WOULD'VE been interesting, if only they'd gone slightly differently!
Utahraptor: You're looking for examples of historical meddling BY time travellers!
T-Rex: January 30, 1835: dude pulls a gun on then-president Jackson and shoots him at point-blank range, but his gun misfires. So dude pulls out his BACKUP gun, and that one misfires TOO. It's incredibly unlikely!
Utahraptor: So some future dude went back to a SUCCESSFUL assassination and messed with the guns?
T-Rex: Precisely!! Unfortunately, my theory can only be proven true when this time traveller dude brags about it. So time traveller dudes, please feel free to come back in time and brag to me!
T-Rex: I ask ONLY for futurebux