T-Rex: It's not that hard to be creative! But sometimes when I come up with a joke, I find out it's already been invented in the past, and it's always by the same dead guy! I now have a beef with this dead person. You'd best watch out...
T-Rex: Man, Oscar! Here's a guy who's been taking the credit for TONS of great jokes that I would have come up with if he hadn't done so first. Telling a border guard "I have nothing to declare except my genius"? I TOTALLY WOULD'VE COME UP WITH THAT IF IT HAD NOT ALREADY BEEN COME UP WITH. "I'm not young enough to know everything"? THAT PROBABLY WOULD'VE BEEN MY BON MOT. Wilde's the most egregious preemptive plagiarizer of my funny jokes ever!
Utahraptor: You're not mad at Oscar Wilde, T-Rex!
T-Rex: Pretty sure I am, Utahraptor!
Utahraptor: No, you're mad at J.M. "Peter Pan" Barrie for the young one, and at some anonymous wag for the genius one - nobody's found a reliable link to Oscar for it. He just gets the credit!
T-Rex: Huh. Okay, I'LL be the guy who's mad at all the UNWARRANTED credit Wilde gets, then!
Off panel: "If with the literate I am / Impelled to try an epigram, / I never seek to take the credit; / We all assume that Oscar said it." - Dorothy Parker.
T-Rex: FRIG.
T-Rex: ...I'm going home to never do anything original again, okay?