T-Rex: Today I am going to try to be a better friend. I will tell secrets, as secrets are one of the MANY currencies of friendship! I will also listen to what my friends have to say, and then make helpful comments that solve every one of their problems!
T-Rex: ONE.
Dromiceiomimus: Well T-Rex, here is one of my problems! A friend of mine is pregnant, and she's really happy about it, but we're all not really sure that she's ready or that it's with the right person. It's not like it's any of our business, actually, but it's not like we can talk to her about it!
T-Rex: I - um. Wow!
T-Rex: Wow! Pregnancy!
Utahraptor: I know!
T-Rex: And it's such a personal thing too. People get upset when you tell them you think they're DATING the wrong person - how do you tell them you think they're creating life with the wrong person?
Utahraptor: Maybe the answer is that you don't!
T-Rex: Or MAYBE the answer is you get a ghost to show them your dystopian vision of their future! Do you know any ghosts?
Off panel: Only one, and he's not suitable at all.
T-Rex: Hah hah! The ghost of Zach, right? Aw, poor Zach.
Off panel: He's so terrible at being a ghost!