T-Rex: Has this strapping young dinosaur perhaps become a little... COMPLACENT?
T-Rex: It's time to go travelling!
T-Rex: This is because travel beats complacency if you do it right! When you're travelling as a backpacker, outside of the regular tourism industry, you're going off the beaten path AND doing a lot of new things all on your own. You meet new people and, since you're put in an environment where you're probably less comfortable than you usually are (both literally and figuratively), you're in a prime situation for self-discovery as well!
Utahraptor: So you'd rather do your own thing than go on a big tour with a travel agency?
T-Rex: Absolutely!
T-Rex: But - I mean, I know it's not entirely a positive thing. All tourism can change the areas it touches! My role as a backpacker COULD be seen as an advance scout for the larger tourism industry - and if I find something wonderful, odds are others will soon follow.
Utahraptor: So what's the solution?
T-Rex: I don't know, man! Stop travelling? Encase unspoiled areas in amber? Use spaceships to colonize new planets and therefore delay the issue until there are no new frontiers?
Off panel: That last one sounds pretty awesome!
T-Rex: That's cause it's got rockets!