T-Rex: You know what would answer the very important question of "who is the manliest?"
T-Rex: None other than a manliness contest! Heck yes!
T-Rex: Dromiceiomimus, I'm so manly that I crack open walnuts for old ladies with my pectoral muscles!
Dromiceiomimus: Oh yeah? I'M so manly that I manage my emotional output, plus I swim all the way up waterfalls!
T-Rex: We both understand we're using manliness as an archetype, and that your claims to manliness do not reflect upon your ideas of femininity, or of normative gender. In any case!
T-Rex: I'm so manly that I pound nails into the wall with my bare hands!
Utahraptor: Oh yeah?
Utahraptor: Well I'M so manly that I use my bare hands to pound them out from the other side!
T-Rex: Oh yeah? Well I'M so manly that I do that too, WHILE IMPREGNATING MY GIRLFRIEND.
T-Rex: Pretty manly!
T-Rex: AND pretty consequential!