T-Rex: Wouldn't it be pretty okay to travel at speeds FASTER than that of LIGHT ITSELF??
T-Rex: I submit that it would be pretty okay indeed!
T-Rex: With that in mind, I'm going to design an engine that can make something go faster than light.
Dromiceiomimus: Our current understanding of physics says what you are trying may well be impossible!
T-Rex: Our current understanding will have to be UPDATED, pending my success!
Utahraptor: Hey T-Rex, do you want a hand? We could do it together!
T-Rex: Sure! It'll be fun!
Utahraptor: While I do feel this project has brought us closer together, I don't think it's going to work. Perhaps faster-than-light travel really is impossible.
T-Rex: Or PERHAPS we're not trying hard enough! Let's work extra hard for a bit.
T-Rex: Then, sandwiches!