T-Rex: Today is a good day I think for fixing my life! I'll do it by putting out a new, less controversial book: "LOLITA III: This Time, She's 30".
T-Rex: Nobody can argue with that!!
T-Rex: In my story there's a new Lolita, and she's thirty, and she goes out with a man who's also thirty and from a similar economic and social background! They get married and have some okay times. Years later, all the characters die of old age!
Dromiceiomimus: It seems a bit - conservative!
T-Rex: I could make some changes! But did you notice how everyone was clearly of the age of majority though?
Utahraptor: T-Rex, your new book is basically terrible!
T-Rex: *gasp*
Utahraptor: I'm serious! The "new Lolita" has nothing to do with the old one, and nothing interesting happens except when "LoHEta" shows up, explains that he's the new manly male Lolita, and then leaves the narrative entirely.
T-Rex: He shows up again in the epilogue! Utahraptor! You didn't even finish my book!!
T-Rex: At the end, Loheta addresses the reader directly and explains that if you replace "she" with "he" and "hers" with "definitely his" in the ORIGINAL Lolita, you can read all about his adventures!
T-Rex: It's called "setting up a spinoff"; look it up?