T-Rex: Vegetarians are chicks and dudes who don't eat a lot of meat for some reason or whatever!
T-Rex: First off, you've got your lacto-ovo vegetarians, who don't eat meat but do eat eggs and milk. There's also lacto vegetarians and ovo vegetarians. Then you've got your vegans, who don't eat meat or ANY animal products, so eggs, honey, milk, and cheese are out, and even leather sometimes. For - for shoes.
Dromiceiomimus: And pants?
Utahraptor: My favourite are the freegans!
T-Rex: Where you be vegetarian for free?
Utahraptor: Close! It's where you don't eat meat unless you're given it for free, like from a dumpster. You prevent meat from going to waste, but you don't support its production.
T-Rex: That sounds close to flexitarians, who only eat meat when being vegetarian would be rude or inconvenient!
T-Rex: Now, I myself am a tremendomeatatarian, which means that I only eat meat that I find to be tremendously delicious!
Off panel: I've seen you eat fruits and vegetables!
T-Rex: Yes. On account of the golly gosh-darned scurvy.